Tag: Indonesia

  • ‘Gotong Royong’ is the Only Way for Indonesia Fintech

    ‘Gotong Royong’ is the Only Way for Indonesia Fintech

    Ask ten thousand people when they think the Indonesian fintech industry was born, and you’re going to get as many birth date guesses as there are islands in Indonesia. Some would say it began with the release of OJK Regulation №.77/POJK.01/2016 by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in January 2017, where Indonesia’s regulator unveiled its initial framework…

  • Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018!

    My year in review, and some thoughts for the year ahead. This is the last week of 2017, and as the year draws to a close, I stay in Singapore and try to slow down a little, breath and think. It’s my annual ritual to reflect upon the past year and plan for the next,…